
Episode Archive

Episode Archive

103 episodes of Encrypted since the first episode, which aired on July 31st, 2018.

  • #Ep. 39: Tezos: Past, Present and Future. With Hubertus Thonhauser

    May 27th, 2019  |  49 mins 42 secs
    board, enterprise, investments, tezos, use case, vc

    Hubertus Thonhauser, Founding Partner of Enabling Future and a Board Member of the Tezos Foundation takes us through the trials and tribulations of the Tezos Foundation, their renewed focus on blockchain implementation use cases and the hot sectors they are pursuing with their technology.

  • #Ep. 38: How a Dubai family office partnered with Techstars and ventured into blockchain? With Gary Sheynkman

    May 17th, 2019  |  40 mins 35 secs
    enterprise, investments, startups, vc

    In this episode, Ahmed and Nic speak with Gary Sheynkman, an Investment Partner at Ginco Investments and the Corporate Lead for Techstars Dubai. We talk about how an Emirati family ventured into blockchain, their partnership with Techstars and what they see as the future of crypto related services. All this and more on this episode of Encrypted.

  • #Ep. 37: How are lawyers creating, building and using smart contracts?

    May 12th, 2019  |  1 hr 3 mins
    law, legal, smart contracts, tech

    In this episode, we have two amazing lawyers Mark Beer and lawyer turned tech entrepreneur Alessandro Palombo, who are adapting to the future of legal tech and smart contracts.
    We talk extensively about what smart contracts really are, the roles they play in the future in both codifying principles and contracting machines, and how billions of people can benefit from this! You don't want to miss this one!

  • #Ep. 36: What the Stake? All you need to know about Staking and PoS networks!

    May 2nd, 2019  |  27 mins 5 secs
    generalised mining, proof of stake, staking, tezos

    Tim Ogilvie is the CEO of Staked, a company that operates and runs block production nodes for decentralised Proof Of Stake networks on behalf of institutional investors. We talk about the what staking is, why it exists, what opportunities it presents, the state of the staking industry, the roles of staking providers and also related regulatory concerns!

  • #Ep. 35: Building enterprise blockchain adoption in the Middle East with Jibrel Network

    April 23rd, 2019  |  52 mins 58 secs
    digitization, enterprise, middle east, sukuk

    Ever wanted to get an idea about the Middle East Enterprise space for blockchain?
    Today's podcast is the right place to start. With Talal Tabbaa of Jibrel Network and Nic Watson of Naseba, we cover examples of winning, implementing and managing digitization of sukuks and fiat. We also take some time to answer the question...What does Enterprise really mean?

    We hope you enjoy!

  • #Ep. 34: What is a blockchain phone? A conversation with Phil Chen, HTC's Decentralised Chief Officer

    April 16th, 2019  |  15 mins 44 secs
    blockchain, htc, private keys, smartphone, wallet

    In this episode, we have an interesting discussion with Phil Chen, the Decentralised Chief Officer (DCO) at HTC. We discuss what a DCO actually does, the idea of leaderless leadership, Phil’s extensive entrepreneurial background and everything you need to know about the Exodus phone!

  • #Ep. 33: Revisiting the 2019 Global Blockchain Challenge in Dubai

    April 10th, 2019  |  55 mins 5 secs
    blockchain challenge, dfa, pitch, smart dubai, start-up

    20 finalists out of 700+ applications for the 2019 Global Blockchain Challenge. We sit down the the project lead of the Dubai Futures Accelerators, Karin Gabriel who explains what the Global Blockchain challenge is all about and we also catch up with the finalists before their pitch to see what ideas are being born and already applied. You can't miss this one!

  • #Ep. 32: Encrypted presents Decrypt Hour!

    April 2nd, 2019  |  1 hr 36 mins
    adoption, decrypt hour, gcc, private, public

    Our. First. Live. Podcast. Meetup!! Yipeeee, in episode 32, we took it offline to have a live podcast recording with the blockchain community in Dubai. Special thanks to Dr. Marwan and Talal Tabbaa for being the panelists and as well as the awesome audience who contributed their thoughts and insights in this very engaging and special episode. You can't miss this one!

  • #Ep. 31: How Matic Network is solving the biggest problems in Blockchain today?

    March 30th, 2019  |  37 mins 40 secs
    layer 2, open source, proof of stake, scalability, ux

    We learn about an exciting project in this space called Matic Network. Ahmed and Aniket talk with Sandeep Nailwal who is the COO of Matic. In this episode, we learn all about the scalability problem and how Matic attempts to solve this problem and also other pressing problems in the blockchain space! You don’t want to miss this one!

  • #Ep. 30: Back to where it all started: Reflecting on 30 episodes

    March 20th, 2019  |  29 mins 28 secs
    milestone, reflection

    The highs, the lows and everything in between! This is our topic for episode 30 where we reflect on our milestone of 30 episodes on Encrypted. Ahmed and Faisal talk about their experiences running the Encrypted podcast and renewing the purpose as to why they are dedicating time to it. We also talk about the Emaar ICO and why this is so significant. All this and more on this special episode.

  • #Ep. 29: Assessing blockchain for insurance with Takaful Emarat and Addenda

    March 12th, 2019  |  39 mins 35 secs
    b3i, insurance, linkedin, private blockchain, risk

    Bringing trust back to an industry built on it: Assessing blockchain for insurance.

    Walid Daniel Dib from Addenda and Vivek Bhalla from Takaful Emarat join us in episode 29 as it is all about understanding the use case for blockchain in the insurance industry, an industry that is plagued with manual processes and very little innovation.
    We also delve deep into how relationships are made between an established player and a small start-up that is deploying a very niche technology.

  • #Ep. 28: Behavioural Science, Transparency, and the role of Governments: A conversation with Maja Vujinovic, the Former CIO of Emerging Tech at GE

    March 3rd, 2019  |  43 mins 19 secs

    In Episode 28, Ahmed and Faisal do their first remote recording online with their guest. Maja Vujinovic, CEO at OGroup and Former CIO of Emerging Tech at GE, joins this episode to share her works and thoughts surrounding behavioural science and crypto economics and how they will ultimately play huge in large corporates and governments!

  • #Ep. 27: Future of Crypto: World Government Summit Special

    February 17th, 2019  |  35 mins 50 secs
    crypto assets, digitisation, dubai, regulation

    Ahmed kicks off episode 27 in style at the World Government Summit where he is joined by Lawrence Wintermeyer from Global Digital Finance and Martin Bartlam from DLA Piper. In this episode, the trio delve into what the future of crypto looks like, how we'll get there, the current state of the market and also takeaways from this exclusive 3 day summit which was organized by the Prime Minister's Office.

  • #Ep. 26: How blockchain is revolutionizing the real estate experience in Dubai

    February 5th, 2019  |  46 mins 2 secs

    In the 26th episode, Ahmed and Faisal host Khalifa Al Suwaidi, CEO of ERES and elaborate on the landscape of blockchain applications in the real estate sector in Dubai. They discuss the history, current implementations and the future foresight of blockchain in this space.

  • #Ep. 25: The balance between ROI and Social Impact: A conversation with the Blockchain Founders Fund

    January 29th, 2019  |  36 mins 52 secs
    funds, impact report, investment, social, sto, un

    In the 25th episode, (wow it has been 25 episodes already), Ahmed and and Faisal sit down with the Managing Partner of the Blockchain Founders Fund, Aly Madhavji to discuss their work with the UN, STO's and investments in the blockchain space both with a ROI lens and a social lens.

  • #Ep. 24: Crypto Tales: The Success Story of Dubai's Bitoasis

    January 22nd, 2019  |  51 mins 28 secs
    bitoasis, dubai, exchange, regulation

    Ahmed and Faisal sits down with Ola Doudin, CEO of Bitoasis. With Bitoasis committed to building the blockchain infrastructure for the MENA region through a crypto assets exchange, Ola describes her journey of founding Bitoasis. We take a deep dive into crypto licensing, opening bank accounts, Bitaosis' user demographics and more in this episode!