#Ep. 70: AI Generated Content - The Why, What and How
June 30th, 2020 · 28 mins 6 secs
About this Episode
We speak to Arif Khan, CEO and Founder of Alethea.AI, which is a blockchain marketplace for synthetic media.
We discuss all things under the sun related to synthetic media, specifically AI generated content.
With the drop in costs of computing power, according to Moore's Law, this allows people to experiment with new technology and in this context AI generated content. This is where you have fully AI generated audio, videos and imagery leading people to experiment to create content without needing a particular person in the flesh. Take Alethea.AI's recent demo of Ex-President Obama where you see a virtual baby face Obama reading a script in a voice resembling much like his actual voice which was all created through AI. Essentially you can use Obama's voice to say anything you want!
Of course, there are many implications of this, and Arif shares the good and the bad that can arise and the future demands we may see from such a technology, in particular the various use cases that can arise.
Arif argues that the model of Cut, copy and paste of text transformed our lives, and we're able to do this with cut, copy and paste of a face. Think of how movies, individuals, influencers, can create tell and share new stories. Weird right and if you want to get weirder, think Black Mirror! Arif further argues how during a pandemic, AI generated content becomes more feasible for celebrities and brands to work together.
We talk about how this is connected to blockchain and why it would enhance the technology further and enable its widespread adoption.
This is an amazing episode where we learned so much about a new technology, the potential market for it, use cases for our private lives and businesses and how this could truly impact society in the long run.